إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Its the game you really know, isnt it?

1. Invite your friends
2. Create teams and start the game.
3. Describe to your team the main keyword to guess without using words from the list.
4. Win the game.
5. Do it again faster;)

It is a social game for many people divided into two teams. Team-mates cannot use the forbidden words or gestures. The winner team is the one who earns a certain amount of points first.

Cards available in English, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Ukrainian.

1. Divide yourselves into two teams.
2. Add the players to your teams.
3. The app will lead you who describes and who verifies
4. When the main keyword is guessed then OK button should be pressed, if you brake the rules, WRONG button should be pressed..
5. When the time ends, another team starts their own turn.
6. The gameplay goes until one of the teams reaches the set amount of points. In case of a draw, there is an additional round.

Funny game for everyone. Invite your family, and create the fun.